Happiness and Hope


  • 3 dashes angostura orange bitters

  • 8 (approx.) cucumber pieces

  • 1 oz freshly squeezed lime juice

  • 1 oz. homemade honey syrup* (optional)

  • 1 oz Artist in Residence Vodka

  • 1/2 can Fizz Pear (approx.)

* Homemade honey syrup is made from a mixture of the following ingredients: maple syrup, 1/2 cup honey, 1/2 cup sugar and 1 cup boiling water.

Instructions :

Prepare all ingredients in advance. In a mixing glass, add the cucumber pieces. Then add the lime juice, honey syrup and Artist in Residence Vodka. Crush the cucumber pieces with a pestle to infuse the mixture. Add ice and stir for about 10 seconds. 
Pour into a glass with ice and fill the rest of the glass with a generous amount of Pear Fizz. Decorate your "Happiness and Hope" cocktail with pieces of pear and cucumber.
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